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Step 1 of 2

Welcome! If you are a current NEA member, the account you are about to create will provide you with access to many member-exclusive benefits offered by NEA Member Benefits. This account is separate from the local or state level accounts you may have created on their websites.
Not a NEA member? Join Now.

To get started, please fill out the information below.

Already have an account? Sign in
Login Information
At least 8 characters long including one letter and one number. No spaces or special characters.
Your personal email address will be your login name and will be used to inform you of exclusive benefits made available to NEA members. You can manage your communication preferences at any time.
Step 2 of 2

Your address and date of birth are used to confirm your NEA membership. To ensure that we find your membership, we ask that you provide the address that is reflected on your membership record.

Birth Date
By clicking this button you agree to our terms of use and Privacy Policy. NEA Member Benefits is a nonprofit corporation that values the trust and privacy of NEA members and others who use our site.